CONCERT : “Recital Italiano” performed by pianist Luciano Bellini
September 26 | 7PM
D. Scarlatti Sonata in Mi K 380
G. Verdi Romance sans paroles
Valzer in Fa Mag.
R. Leoncavallo Canzonetta
G. Puccini Piccolo Valzer
G. Rossini Un rêve
F. Busoni All’Italia!
O. Respighi Notturno
G.F. Malipiero Preludio Autunnale n° 2
I. Pizzetti Turbinoso (dalla Sonata in La)
M. Castelnuovo Tedesco Cantico
L. Berio Wassermusik
A. Casella Due Ricercari sul nome B.A.C.H.
Conductor, pianist, composer.
Composer of operas, symphonic, sacred, vocal,chamber and electronic music; author also of pieces of music for cinema,theatre and ballet.
His works have been executed in almost all the western countries, in Middle and Far East and in South America, and have also been recorded by several national broadcasting stations and networks. Permanent conductor of Nova Philarmonia and guest conductor or soloist for many European, Asian and Latin-American Orchestras and Institutions, up to now he has performed nearly 150 world premieres. He conducted simphony or chamber orchestras in Rome, Sanremo, Lecce, L’Aquila, Bari, Pescara, Bratislava, Kosige, Ziilina, Halboorg, Bucarest, Brno, Seoul, Antalja, Hanoi, Manila,Bangkok, Damasco, Rio de Janeiro, San Paulo, La Habana, Holguin. He performed as pianist in England, Spain, Portugal, Norwey, Austria, Finland, Polonia, Greece, Egypt, Danmark, Estonia, Belarus, Luxembourg, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia, Jordan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapor, Philippines, Vietnam, China, Korea, Barhain, Australia, New Zealand, Brasile,Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, California, Canada, Etiopia, Kenia, Cuba. He has recorded many CD both as a pianist and as a conductor; his music – edited by AfM, B&W Italia, EDIPAN, RadiciMusic Records, Sedam, and Rugginenti Music – is partially collected in other eight monographic CD and in several Radio and Television recordings. In 1998, he conducted one of his chamber operas at the National Academy of S. Cecilia in Rome, and in 1999 his opera-ballet “Canto General” (with Pablo Neruda’s poetry) was performed at the Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto. In ’99 he conducted in Rome and in Cracovia some of his compositions on a worldwide TV live “via satellite”. In ’80 he published “I tre Canti dell’Immaginario”(Pro Musica Studium) and then often contributed to many music reviews. In 1997, he published the piano album “Mediterrando” which was given a wide national circulation, while in 2001 he published the flute collection ” Effetti Collaterali”. In collaboration with the producer and choreographer Anna Cuocolo, he has been composing since ’91 various pieces of musical theatre and “dance and music” which had a large success of audience and critics both in Europe and the United States. In 2006 he collaborated with Nobel Prize Dario Fo composing music for his theatral piece “Isabelle, trois caravelles et un charlatan”. He received many musical commissions: in ’94 by Istituto Gramsci in Bologna for composing an Opera named “Ulisse’s Song”, in 1999 and in 2006 by Teatro Marrucino in Chieti for composing Operas “Les Ritals” and “Shoah”; in 2013 by University in L’Aquila for an Opera named “born on 21 March” with Alda Merini’s poetry. In 2009 he published “Prime note dal mondo” for young pianists, in 2011 “Note dalla storia” and “Tutti al Circo” for young chamber orchestra. In ’97 he founded “Duo Bellini” with his son Luca flutist, and they together already performed in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. In 2008 he founded “Duo Pianistico Italiano” with Antonella Vitelli. He worked together with many important artists as: Severino Gazzelloni, Claudia Antonelli, Massimo Quarta, Sergio Cafaro, Marco Rogliano, Guido Arbonelli, Ciro Scarponi, Federico Mondelci, Giuseppe Scotese, Angelo Persichilli, Angelo Manzotti, Gabriella Tucci, Bruno Aprea, Giorgio Carnini, Milva, Dulce Pontes, Noa, Leo Férre, Piera Degli Esposti, Maddalena Crippa, Maria Faranduri, Dario Fo, Chin Chin Gutierrez. At present, he teaches at the Conservatory “A. Casella” in L’Aquila. Regular holder of a Master as orchestra conductor at the Federal University in Rio de Janeiro and – actually- also at the Conservatory in Hanoi, Jakarta, Manila, Habana, London, Sydney, Bangkok, Singapore; he also leads courses and in-depth seminars in various European and Latin-American centers.